Design jobs terms

This page states the Terms under which you may use our site. Please read it carefully. Terms may be updated and revised by us from time to time, so please visit this page periodically to review them.

By using this site, you are agreeing with and accepting these Terms of Use, and are subject to the conditions defined by management of AIGA Design Jobs.

One of our primary services is a creative employment recruiting service, consisting of job postings published directly by employers.

By using AIGA Design Jobs you agree not to:

  1. Post advertisements or solicitations of business, chain letters or pyramid schemes
  2. Post advertisements for multiple openings or positions. Each job posting is intended for a single job or project.
  3. Post advertisements that point to spec work, contests or other opportunities to solicit customized, unpaid creative work from creative professionals

Any postings violating the terms above may be edited or removed pending AIGA Design Jobs' approval process.

Refunds for published postings are handled on a case-by-case basis. If your job has been published incorrectly please contact our support team at to have the problem fixed or to remove the posting and receive a refund. If you wish to withdraw your posting and receive a refund, we can do this only for postings that have been online for less than 24 hours. Please contact our support team to discuss this issue.